Is it easier to think about other people who don’t work hard than acknowledge the times we don’t? For me, I know when I’m engaged in a project and loving...Read more
Not every one of us has a paid job; of course some of us work full-time or part-time, but perhaps you work all day in the home for your families,...Read more
Not many people I know worked a paid job in their calling from the beginning of their career. Few people I know even knew about calling at the beginning of...Read more
How do you feel about asking others what they see in you? How do you feel about asking others to fill in the blanks as Downs’ friend did, “These are...Read more
Annie F. downs invites us today to start where we are. She writes, “So what should you do today? Do what’s right in front of you.“ Maybe it’s something you...Read more
Today Annie F. Downs asks us to consider that our calling can have multiple expressions. She talks about how her teaching career and then her speaking/writing career stem from the...Read more
At the end of today’s devotional Downs asks us, “Be Brave: Work on writing a thesis statement for your life. What would you say is the theme of all the...Read more
I’ve had several conversations lately about callings. I’m certainly no authority on the topic, but one thing I’ve noticed is that the word itself seems to have a weight and...Read more
Today’s devotional discusses a clear distinction between our dreams and our calling. I enjoyed her analogies of bank accounts and cooking ingredients! If calling is where our burden (for the...Read more
“When it comes to your dreams, you need to guard your heart. Your heart is precious, your dreams should only be shared with a few close friends, and you should...Read more