Day 92 – Your City

Downs’ challenge at the end of today’s devotional is to ‘Volunteer in your city. Serve the place where you live in some way.’ Perhaps you already volunteer where you live? I want to serve in my city but, to be honest, I’m afraid of the commitment. I’m afraid of getting too tired or spread too thin. I’m afraid I won’t be any real use, or the people I’m serving with won’t like me. I want to be honest so that’s why I’ve honestly shared my thoughts, even though it probably makes me look selfish.

I know the joy from serving. I know God loves it when we love others by serving them. I want to step up to this call. In order to serve well, I’m going to have to ask God for the strength to serve well. And I’m going to have to be brave. New town, new people to love… right?

I’d love to hear about your serving experiences. If you choose to step up in this way for the first time in your home town, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about it.