I’ve never felt like a trail blazer—in my mind they are people who carve their way through hitherto unvisited lands, or at the very least march on unmarked paths. Additionally, I’m not absolutely sure that the steps I take will end up somewhere worthwhile… I’m just trying my best, after all.
Recently I’ve had conversations which lead me to believe that the path I’m choosing to walk is one few others know exists and, of those who do, few know how to navigate it and might like someone to follow. Like we said yesterday, I don’t know all the paths but I know what this one looks like (so far). Maybe I won’t end up in the ideal place, maybe I’ll hit a dead-end, but I can at least help write the ‘don’t go down this bit’ sign.
I do love today’s scripture. I try to always make Jesus the lamp to my feet, and try hard to put my feet in the places he shows me. Some days I’m better at watching and being guided than other days. But I keep walking and I keep looking at the light.
What do you think a trail blazer is? Do you consider yourself one?