Empty Chairs | The book

Empty Chairs was first published in June 2019 as a gift to my friends when I left Shanghai. The story told their story and you can read about that here. It is a story about building community and making friends.

Written as if it were a children’s story, this book tells how one girl (and the boy she loved) made space in their lives to open their home each week to eat with others and in doing so built something no one expected. The story is illustrated beautifully by the actual people who came to supper on Mondays and ate at her table. 

author holding empty chairs book
Tifaine holding her book Empty Chairs

From the back cover:

What do you do when your heart’s full of love but your table has empty spaces? The girl in this story faced just that and had a grand idea that reached across her city. We never learn the girl’s name, we never learn the name of the city, but perhaps it doesn’t matter. This is a true story. And, perhaps, it could also be your story.

You can buy the book from Amazon here (paperback or kindle edition), or from most online book retailers.