Day 75 – Sabbath

Today’s devo challenges us to schedule a complete break into our weekly routine. A break from striving, a break from technology, a break from all the things we chase after and pour into, so that we can be poured into.

Over the past few years I have reflected on this concept from time to time because weekends are anything but restful when the house is full and the following week needs planning for and, for a season in my life, I was working for my church and so serving regularly each week. Ironically, I was always too occupied to be able to spend much time following to the end of any thought I might have on the subject. Because of their busy weekend schedules, many pastors choose Fridays or Mondays to be their sabbath. A woman I know takes Wednesday each week as her Sabbath so she can fully serve her family at the weekend. I’m not sure how this would work for those employed full-time in a environment that does not allow them to set their own hours. Nonetheless, I think the conversation is an important one.

God modelled rest for us, not because he grows tired or needs it, but because it’s good to rest. Today’s writing from Downs makes me think I’d like to take time to read more about this topic. How important do you think a Sabbath is?

I do agree that in a culture where hustling and busy-ness are seen as badge of honour, taking a Sabbath would be brave. Taking the practicalities (paid work life) and the social (family/friends/peers) aspects as two separate things, how would each be difficult or require you to be brave?

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