I would summarise today with “Don’t work so hard that you don’t have time to do the things that enable you to work so hard.”
I’ve seen people work and work and work and only work. I’ve been that person. I still can be sometimes. Apart from all the other things research tells us, and Downs mentions, without rest, creativity can stall and we stop being able to see the big picture. However, at times in my life when I’ve been over-working for too long I often didn’t realise I was until I stalled.
Over-working long term is inefficient. For me, I need to see outside. I need to read. I need to have conversations (real ones) with people I love (about cool and interesting things and for the joy of it, not just more talking). All the things we’ve talked about in the past few days: I need to do those too. But when I’m over working I don’t do those things: I don’t exercise or see the sky or keep in touch with loved ones far away or read for pleasure or necessarily eat well. And not doing those things makes me inefficient. It also stops me from bumping into new and interesting things that inspire me creatively. Resting appropriately—otherwise known as taking a break from working—is critical for me and it’s only taken over 40 years to realise.
Listen to Annie F. Downs today. Hear my experience. However it looks for you, rest. We often need to work hard, but don’t over-work: your mind will thank you. (And maybe also the people around you.)