Day 11 – Your Mind

It’s an interesting image to consider our minds as containers that we get to choose with what its filled. I’ve never considered that it’s mine to guard. Oops.

The last few days my mind has spun with negative thoughts, despairing sometimes and hopeless. I found myself unable to fall asleep last night until I eventually choose to read through a list of ‘God says I ams’. (Yes, I know we only just covered that but clearly I’d forgotten already.) I chose to stop listening to the lyrics of a song from a rock band that were buzzing in my mind and start listening to the lyrics my God sings over me (Zephaniah 3:17). Sadly, it took all the willpower I had. But it worked.

The idea to read through this book together with friends was a spark. A spark I could have ignored. And, as I’ve said in previous days, one that as it grew required me to be brave to keep going. Sometimes I’m out and about doing my normal life and one of you (yes, you) pops into my mind, so I’ve learned to pray for you right then while I’m walking or whatever. I have other sparks too. Ideas. Many of which too often I let disappear, like lightning bugs flying away—I know I could catch them but instead I watch watch their trail as they meander into the night.

Annie F. Downs challenges us today to think of one spark, that you think God may have placed in your mind (she says it could be an idea, or a person or anything else). The spark may be something you remember from a while ago, something you chose to let go for any number of reasons, or it could be something that popped in recently. The author asks us to write it down. That’s all.

I ask you to go one step further and talk to God about it—seriously, just tell him you noticed it.

7 thoughts on “Day 11 – Your Mind

  1. I liked today very much. Your spark Tifainé has done me the world of good. And probably others too. How amazing is that?!
    I am very conscious that my mind is a fragile container. And Annie talking about protecting our mind resonates. Even being brave enough to protect my mind. It’s hard when it’s completely full to overflowing and I am on permanent hyper vigilance and catastrophising at every opportunity.
    So my spark, which I know God has put there is to free up my mind so that I can do all the things he needs me to do, which I undoubtedly want to do. This means making brave choices and trusting him to carry me through it.
    I have another return to work meeting tomorrow with occupational health. I pray that this is the start of being brave to protect my mind. And freeing me up.

    1. I’ll be praying for your meeting tomorrow, that you get want you need. Your mind is precious, protecting it is important even though I’m sure it is difficult too. You are being very brave; keep going. Love Tifainé.

  2. I heard a lady today (Amy Hale) on instastories talking about worry and as soon as that negative thought comes into mind thank the Holy Spirit for helping bring to your attention and turn it to focus on prayer (or even praising through a situation). She was encouraging us to instantly pray over the matter and to trust our mind will be filled with peace instead of the fretting and anxiety that just comes with worry

    1. That sounds like a great habit to get into! Thanks for passing it on. Love Tifainé

  3. Two years ago, a spark started (which I think I previously commented on) about the thoughts of God. Someday I hope to write a book titled “Sands of Identity: finding who you are in the thoughts of God.” Journeying through some of the thoughts God has spoken over me has renewed and transformed my mind over and over. When I stop asking for His thoughts, stop reviewing and remembering His thoughts, the whisper of lies can come back. But when you listen to the voice of God’s truth enough and give ear to it, it becomes easier to intercept the lies. Sometimes, the things I feel God is speaking about me feels so far from where I am, but it is then that I trust it is who he is molding me to become. And sure enough, when I begin to really declare what he is saying, it rises up in me like a spark lighting a flame.

    1. So much truth in this! I hope you’re journaling your thoughts and insights so you don’t forget them, the book idea sounds so interesting!

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